A downloadable game

This is an unofficial fan project, it claims no ownership over any Nikki property

A cozy way to roleplay a story in the style of the Nikki stylist games.  Design and wear outfits that give you amazing abilities.  Fight Esslings that are troubling the community.  Duel other stylists.  A system for telling sweet stories with a lot of drama and heartwarming moments.  

The mechanics of the game always place narrative first and reinforce the story when required.  They are designed for the story to never stop being told and to limit creativity as little as possible.  

I made this game because it is the game I wanted to GM.  It's probably not for every group with how freeform it works, but if your players are Nikki fans who are dedicated to that tone and theme, I hope you have fun!  


This is the playtest version. It will be updated as I work on it.  It is a complete and playable game - where it will expand is in helpful elements for the GM.  It currently takes a bit of work from the GM to design Esslings, NPCs, and their setting.  In the future, more of this will be provided in the book. It also expects a decent knowledge of the Nikki games to understand the tone types of adventures it is meant for.  The Nikki wikis are valuable resources. That isn't to say I won't tweak numbers here and there as I run the system more.

The game is more focused on the newest Nikki game for its style, but there is nothing stopping a GM from running it more like "Shining" than "Infinity."

Also, a reminder: this was made for me and my players, and I just wanted to share it so it might reach people who would also enjoy it.  It may not be what you are looking for - but hey, it's free.


InfinityStylistV0_1.pdf 63 MB
InfinityStylistV0_1_charsheets.pdf 9.1 MB